Istana Raja Bersiong???

Posted: June 25, 2011 in Jom Kongsi


Semasa cuti bulan 6/11 …. banyak betul dapat jemputan ke majlis walimatulurus…. salah satunya adalah jemputan dari bapa saudara pupu.. sepupu mak…di Taman Tabung Haji, Alor Setar…

Memang dari dulu-dulu lagi… kalau pergi rumah Pak Long… dia bagi tau.. itu rumah Raja Bersiong… sebab terletak betul-betul depan rumah dia… kebenarannya…??? wallah’ulam….

Uniknya…..rumah iti terus bersambung dengan bukit kat belakang tu… kita pun sebenarnya tak pernah masuk kat dalam…..dok tengok kot depan sahaja…. depannya…. taman perumahan..

Salam teman-teman…

Dari tajuk di atas… pernah kawan-kawan jumpa buah nih..??

Saya tak pasti nama lain bagi buah ni kat negeri lain.. tetapi… di Kedah….buah ni memang dipanggil buah keriang dot….



Di Kedah, ada dua jenis buah keriang. Kalau disebut buah keriang sahaja… buahnya kecil-kecil…sebesar buah kismis. kalau ada dotnya….hehehhe sebesar ibu jari… buahnya yang boleh dimakan..bila dah bewarna purple gelap….


Rasanya..??? kalau yang tak berapa masak… masam-masam kelat….. tapi kalau dah cukup tua… manis ada.. kelat pun ada… sekarang… dah susah nak jumpa… buah keriang yg kecik pun rasanya sama.

Pokoknya… berbatang kayu, tinggi dan besar…. macam pohon ara… daunya….( kalau yg dah besar… tak der lah nak ambik daunnya kan..) digunakan untuk menyejukkan badan. Dulu… kalau kita demam…. cari daunnya…ramas dalam air…. buat basahkan kepala…kan time tu..demam… tak leh bangun….paling tak best… tidor atas bantal yang dilapik platik… ish…bila pusing jer…bunyi keruk..keruk..hehehhe… bukannya apa…tak mau bantal basah..

Buah nih sedap dimakan dengan garam… atau sambal belacan….( org kelantan panggil colek…)…

Jadi…. kalau nak tau rasanya….. kene la rasa sendiri….hehehe


Golden Guides

Posted: February 22, 2011 in hobi

Here are some tips to help you on your way to growing and developing your photography skills:

Always bring your camera
The number one reason why people miss good pictures is because they don’t have a camera.
Make it a habit to always carry a camera with you, because you never know what you could miss.

Shoot more
If you think you shoot enough – you don’t. Especially if you have a digital camera, because
there is no added cost to taking more photographs. Why take just one picture if you can take
several? Are you in a place you may never visit again? Take a picture, because even the most
boring day to day scenes can become historical in just a few years of time.

Trust your eye
Studying laws of composition is fine, but when it comes down to you must trust your eye.
When you frame the shot, move the camera and explore the scene. When you find an angle or
composition that FEELS good to you, take the picture immediately. You can (and should)
get several more shots.

Train your eye
Look at the pictures you have taken and critique your own work. Did the image turn out like
you planned? Do you like the composition? This self-review stage is essential for you to
improve your photographic “spider-sense”.

Know your camera
You don’t need to memorize every feature right away, but over time you should be comfortable
enough so that operating your camera becomes second nature. It’s like learning to shift gears
or ride a bicycle – only when the machine becomes transparent are you really driving.

Always work on a copy
This essential guide is new for the era of digital photography. Remember that until you make a
backup copy your digital photo is a one of a kind original. Make it a habit to make copies
immediately after loading them from your camera, even before looking at them! Back up your images
onto removable media as often as you can.



Photography for dummies….

Posted: February 22, 2011 in hobi

Shutter and Aperture

Controlling Exposure
In order for an image to be captured on film, it must be exposed to light.
The camera has two settings that control light, and they work very similar
to the human eye.

The Shutter:
The shutter blocks all light from exposing the film UNTIL you press the button.
Then it quickly opens and closes, giving the film a brief flash of light.

You can control the length of time the shutter remains open by setting the SHUTTER SPEED.

Longer shutter speeds = more light
shorter shutter speeds = less light

Shutter Speed:
Determines HOW LONG the shutter stays open.

The longer exposures ( like 1 second ) give much more light to the film than a 1/1000 of
a second exposure. So even though the number may look bigger, don’t be deceived!

Posted Image


A half second exposure is ONE STOP darker than a one second exposure.
A 1/125 exposure is TWO STOPS brighter than a 1/500 exposure.
A 1/1000 exposure is THREE STOPS darker than a 1/125 exposure.

The Aperture:
Before light reaches film, it must pass through an opening called an “Aperture”.
The aperture is like a pupil. You can control the aperture by setting the “Aperture Opening”,
also known as an F-Stop.

Smaller F-stops numbers = larger openings
larger openings = more light

Aperture Settings (F-Stops):
Like the pupil in a human eye, the aperture on a camera controls light.
It does so by closing up to restrict light, and opening up to let it through.

Posted Image


moving from f16 to f8 is:
TWO STOPS brighter.

moving from f5.6 to f8 is:
ONE STOP darker

moving from f4 to f2.8 is:
ONE STOP brighter

Balancing Shutter and Aperture:
Exposure is about different combinations of shutter and f-stop settings.
These combinations can drastically affect the finished picture. For example,
the following three pictures have been given an equal amount of light, but the f-stop
and shutter combinations make each one unique.

Posted Image
Why is the background all blurred in the right picture, and sharpest in the left ?
Because if the exposure is made with a wide aperture ( like f2.8 ), then objects
farther away from the subject are thrown farther out of focus. This effect is referred
to as “depth of field”

So.. if the aperture is small (like f22) then objects in the background (and foreground )
will appear sharper. However, since more light was required to make the exposure on the left
( 1/4 Second ) the subjects became blurred from MOTION. At 1/250th of a second, the shutter
is fast enough to freeze motion.

Take a stop, Give a stop..
Since f-stop and shutter are both measured in stops, keeping balance is easy. If you take
away 2 stops from the aperture, you can give 2 stops back with the shutter and end up with
the same exposure level.


nizarejab: thanks to spirits, ahli yg share info berguna ini. banyak  blog/forum  fotografi menggunakan jargoan yang sukar difahami oleh seseorang yang tidak ada pengetahuan fotografi. Dengan info ini, barulah kita tahu.. apa maksudnya nombor2 pada kamera digital kita nih…. samsung s860.heheh

Salam bertemu kembali…..

Cuti bulan 12 setiap tahun sentiasa memberi makna kepada kita…..

Kali ni kita nak kongsi sejenis buah yang unik… buah nipah…

tau buah nipah??? pokonya macam pokok kelapa sawit… bentuk buahnya pun macam kelapa sawit…. tatapi, buah nipah ini hidup di kawasan berpaya….

Pokok nipah ni boleh dikatakan antara pokok yang serbaguna….

Pada zaman dahulu, daunya dibuat atap rumah… ( sekarang tidak lagilah… sebab kebanyakan rumah zaman sekarang beratap zink atau genting..)

My favourite…  nira nipah laa….

Nira nipah nih… nak cari memang susah sikit…..mula-mula, buah nipah dipangkas…atau dipotong….. bahagian yang telah dipotong pada pokok itu… diketuk… diikat dan digantung bekas untuk menakung air nira yang keluar….. air yg keluar… setitik demi setitk inilah yang dikumpulkan …. disejukkan dan dibungkus untuk dijual….

Ianya tidak dimasak… kalau dimasak.. dah tak sedap…. itulah sebabnya…. kalau beli pagi… kalau tak disimpan dalam peti sejuk….petang dah tak boleh diminum…. dah masam….. dah jadi tuak… ehehe ( kalau nak minum jugak…boleh jer…hehehhe.. mabuk ler)

Alhamdullilah… sekarang masih ada lagi nira nipah yang dijual…. minum masa cuaca panas terik… perghh… memang nikmat….

Itulah… kalau balik Kedah… mesti cari… al maklumlah…… kat Raub nih….memang tak jumpa nira nipah…bukan setakat nira nipah….batang pokok nipah pun tak der..hehehe…

Kalau di Kelantan, air tuak a.k.a nira kelapa lebih popular….( sayangnya…kita tak berkesempatan lagi nak cuba….heheh..mungkin sebab namanya.. air tuak kot..heheh jadi takut sikit nak minta..)

Jadi, masa balik kg hari tu… teringin pulak nak makan buah nipah….. Dah lama sangat tak makan buah nih…. ingat… masa kecik2 jer kita pernah makan….. nenek buat sira…perrrgghhh.. memang best lah….

Buah nipah dikopek dari tandanya dan dibelah. Isinya putih dan kenyal….. rasanya.. tawar… tu yang kena buat sira… kasi manis sikit..heheh… letak pewarna merah sikit…. baru menarik…. kenapa warna merah???. ntahlah… dah dari nenek lagi buat macam tu..hehe

disimpan dalam peti sejuk… dan dimakan ketika sejuk… memang sedap….


Buah nipah yang dikopek dari tandannya..



Isinya jernih.. kalau dah putih… dah tualah buah tu… tak sedap dah…keras… yang ini sedang eloklah tu…

Inilah hasil daripada setandan buah nipah tadi…


Air gula dimasak hingga pekat… dan diletakkan pewarna… inilah hasilnya….

    When someone gets diarrhoea, sometimes the solution is so easy, we wonder why anyone has to suffer.
 Of all the ingredients here, the most important is Rice, but not in the usual form we eat it in, and neither would rice porridge work well
 The secret is in rice water.
 This is already known in this region. Ask your maids — Sri Lankan, Indonesian, Filipina and they would know about it.
My Malaysian relatives know about it.
 (My mother) knew about it. When Dr Albert Winsemius came to Singapore for a farewell and thank you dinner in his honour, he brought along his wife Aly and his granddaughter, Jolijn. Both women
came down with very bad gastroenteritis. They saw the doctor who gave them medication. It was slow to work.
 Mother boiled some rice in lots of water and went to their hotel with two 1.5L bottles of rice water.
I cringed in shame at the offer of this folk remedy, which seemed so primitive to me. Never heard of this cure before. To my surprise, it worked, and they were even able to go out for dinner the next day. Both were exclaiming how the rice water did the trick of making them well again. Well, luckily it worked, I thought to myself.
 I was discussing this some years back with Kim Ng, the ex-matron of KK Hospital . She said, yes, that is what Professor Wong Hock Boon, the notable paediatrician teaches. I was shocked and made some comment how could he? It was common knowledge so what had he to do with it?
 Many months later, I regretted laughing at it.
Dr Christina Shanta Emmanuel, who is the CEO of…uh, which group I have forgotten, either
National Health Group, or Polyclinics, or whatever.. regarded me seriously when I brought up the topic like it was good fun. She said that Prof Wong Hock Boon had presented a paper on it at some conference after he had done clinical trials.  
 Then his results were published in the Lancet, the Medical Journal all doctors read. In fact, said Shanta, he was credited for saving the lives
of 2 million African babies by this method.
 I am impressed.
 It is rice water and not rice, that does the trick. I have found it effective again and again.


You take a handful of rice and boil it in a large saucepan with lots of water. Like three or four large glasses. Then you cool that and drink the water. If you are in a hurry to relieve the ailing person, take the saucepan off the fire and
stand it in another saucepan or basin of cool water with ice cubes if necessary. This gives the patient a chance to drink the rice water sooner and cure himself or herself sooner.
 When drinking the rice water, make sure there is lots of it. You have to tell the patient that enough water must go in to line your guts from
throat to other end, all 10 to 12 metres of it. If you take rice, it stays in the stomach. If you take broth, some of it may go into the small intestine.
 But if you take rice water, it will carry rice grains to every inch of your small and large intestines to the end where the problem is.
 How does it work? Even Prof Wong Hock Boon doesn’t know. Read the article by going to this site:

http://rehydrate. org/dd/dd06. htm#page2

 It is good to pass on the news to everyone you know because the complaint is so common and people suffer unnecessarily. You would be doing your friends a great favour to relieve them of their misery when the occasion arises.

Nizarejab: eerr….air nasi tu kan sifatnya sejuk… bila sakit perut kan rasa membara jer perut…. jadi, air nasik tu sejukkan perut. macam iklan Gavinscon tu. eemmm…. another way….. my mom ask me to drink some water mix flour. example: 1 tablespoon of flour and 2-3 tablespoon of water.

Cara kampung lain seperti yang nenek buat ialah:

1) black coffee mix with cold water,

2) teh o pekat ( eerrgghhh…yeeekkk),

3) kunyah/makan pucuk jambu batu…( boleh tahan siket rasanya…walaupun pahit…hehe)

eemmm…. banyak sebenarnya petua orang tua-tua nih…..murah dan berkesan…


This is amazing, Randy Pausch 47 yrs old, A computer Sc. lecturer from Mellon University. he died of pancreatic cancer in 2008, but wrote a book ‘The last lecture” before then, one of the bestsellers in 2007. What a legacy to leave behind

In a letter to his wife Jai and his children, Dylan, Logan , and Chloe, he wrote this beautiful “guide to a better life” for his wife and children to follow.

1. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
2. Don’t have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
3. Don’t over do; keep your limits
4. Don’t take yourself so seriously; no one else does
5. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip
6. Dream more while you are awake
7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
8. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
10. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present
11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
13. Smile and laugh more
14. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

15. Call your family often
16. Each day give something good to others
17. Forgive everyone for everything
18. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
19. Try to make at least three people smile each day
20. What other people think of you is none of your business
21. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.

22. Put GOD first in anything and everything that you think, say and do.
23. GOD heals everything
24. Do the right things
25. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
26. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
27. The best is yet to come
28. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful
29. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
30. If you know GOD you will always be happy. So, be happy.

While you practice all of the above, share this knowledge with the people you love, people you school with,
people you play with, people you work with and people you live with.
Not only will it enrich YOUR life, but also that of those around you.

Nizarejab: ishh…nak kena cari buku dia nih…hehehe

Thank you Pastor Terry Jones
For your service to Islam!

1. Thanks for making Quran a bestseller. More copies Qurans and were sold on Amazon, local and online Islamic stores, thus providing humanity an opportunity to read and ponder over God’s guidance for humanity.

2. Thanks for the business. More people bought Islamic literature, along with the Quran, generating extra revenue for the Islamic stores.

3. More individuals visited the mosques to attend Muslim open houses and Islam presentations, thus receiving the wonderful message of Islam.

4. More individuals called on the GainPeace’s outreach hotline 800-662-ISLAM and inquired about the faith of Islam, giving Muslims an opportunity to explain Islam to our fellow citizens. You generated more publicity for Islam, then all our past outreach campaigns combined.

5. More people Googled the words ‘Islam’ and ‘Quran’.The more that you spoke about Islam and the Quran, more people came to Muslim websites to learn about the truth of Islam.

6. Libraries were busy loaning out copies of the Quran. Yes, libraries across the USA, Canada and Europe were busy lend out copies of the Quran to its patrons.

7. Thanks for saving the Muslims advertisement dollars. The free publicity to the words ‘Quran’ and ‘Islam’, that you gave, Muslims could have spent millions of dollars but couldn’t have generated the same publicity and attention of the media, and thanks to you, the word of God (the Quran) became a household word.

8. Thanks for waking up the Muslims. Muslim all across the world are now more passionate about the wonderful and peaceful faith of Islam and are eager to share it with their neighbors, colleagues, friends and humanity.

9. Thanks for encouraging more people to embrace Islam. We had more people calling, learning and embracing Islam in the past few weeks, then we ever had since the last 40 years.

10. Thanks for uniting the people of conscience, the Muslim, the Jews, the Christians, the Hindus, and the atheist, on the common platform of goodness, love and tolerance and against hatred, bias and bigotry.

Pastor Terry Jones, we pray that you actually read the Quran with an open mind and heart and ponder over its message of the oneness of God. If you love Jesus, follow the religion of Jesus, the religion of Jesus was Islam, submission to the The Creator. May God, enlighten you to the truth of Islam and that you start worshiping the One Creator as was preached and practiced by Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them.
Welcome to Islam.

Dr. Sabeel Ahmed
The GainPeace Project, USA

Nizarejab : Dalam berita hari ini- adik ipar Tony Blair…pun declaire masuk islam…. Alhamdulillah…. apa kata Tony Blair agaknya ya..:)

Salam 1 Malaysia…

Posted: October 21, 2010 in Uncategorized
Tags: ,

Agak lama lama jugakkita tak berblog…. masaalah talian laaa…

Mula dulu…. ambik maxis bb…..kalau dekat KL….ok lah….tapi bila pindah Raub nih…..kat kawasan yang agak cerok….payah sket linenya…hehehe..

Kemudiannya… kita tukar pulak ke celcom bb….ingatkan ok… sebab kawasan ni line celcom ok….rupa-rupanya….tak jugak…..sakit betul jiwa…..nyet..nyet…nyet…. lembab betul….

Akhirnya….sekarang… kita pakai streamyx plak….. buat masa ni….memang sangat puas hati…… dah la bayaran bulanannya lebih murah dari mana2 broadband, dapat notebook free plak tu…hahahah… notebook 1 Malaysia….. baru dapat semalam…..

Kiranya…..pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib…banyak beri faedah kepada rakyat ( yang kita nampaklah….)… sebab sebelum nih….. projek main juta-juta juta….. yang kita suka sekarang :

1) Tambah 1 lagi cuti umum – hari 1 Malaysia

2) Dapat notebook free….heheehe…bukan kita jer… kebanyakan budak-budak sekolah menengah dapat notebook sorang sebijik…

3) Puduraya dinaik tarafkan…… masalah yang telah berkulat……tak settle…settle….la nih..nampak laa perubahan……

apa lagi yek…. banyak lagi….tapi sebab ini yang berkaitan dengan kita….kita tulis laaa… kalau ada lagi…. kita tambah lagi list nih….hehehee

Bila Kita diuji….

Posted: April 27, 2010 in Diari

Salam teman-teman…..

Nampaknya minggu ini kita dilipahi rahmat…..tak tulah kat tempat lain… tetapi di Raub nie….dah start hujan….cuaca dah tak berapa panas…..rasanya…tempat lain pun sama…..

Terasa sangat nikmat hujannya kan….. tapi bila dah namanya manusia…..

Kalau tak hujan…” ish…panasnya….tak hujan….. bila lahh nak hujan… sejuk sikit…”

tapi kalau dah hujan…” ish…. hujan pulak…..”

itulah kalau namanya manusia…. bersungut dan merungut….

Semalam… kita diuji tuhan…..untuk sekian kali…bukannya perkara besar pun…. kecik sangat…..

Dah lama kita tak sakit….. semalam diberinya tuhan sedikit sakit…..sakit perut…. cirit-birit….nyaris nk demam…..

itu pun dah tak boleh nak buat kerja……masa ini lah baru teringat sentuhan ibu…..hehehe…

Hari ini dah sihat…. baru sedar tentang nikmat sihat….yelah…selama ni badan ok jer….lupa diri lak….dan terlupa nikmat sihat…. ( itu pun hari ini terlupa  sakit semalam….meratah asam rong kat kantin- asam rong nih masakkan pahang yang pedas….letak cilipadi….macam masak lemak cili padi…)

Apa pun…..kita sepatutnya bersyukur dengan apa yang tuhan kurniakan kepada kita kan…. tak kira baik atau pun buruk – kerana baik atau buruk sesuatu perkara itu hanya pada anggapan kita….. baik atau buruknya sesuatu perkara itu…Hany Allah yang lebih mengetahui…..

Sebagai manusia…kita seharusnya melihat sesuatu perkara itu dari sudut yang positif…. hanya dengan itu kita akan menjadi seorang insan yang sentiasa bersyukur…..